The Loneliness World, Happily Ever After
Heri Dono has brought together all the visual and audio elements into a new piece. Each wayang, video installation and animation, is compiled into a unique video work, which is accompanied by sounds, songs, music, speeches and overlapping phrases. The audience will be transported into the world of Heri Dono. To a world where you hope is happy but lonely.
Project Type: Animated Short Film
Production: Kalahan Studio
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Experimental
Runtime: 29.15 minutes
Animation Style: Mixed Media Animation
Technical Specifications: FHD, 16:9, mp4
Release Date: January 3, 2021
– Rupa Animasi, Animasi Club, Yogyakarta
– METAMORFOSART #6, UIN Walisongo, Semarang
– Festival Animasi Karang Gedhang, Majenang Cilacap
Producer: Heri Dono
Art Director: Samuel Indratma
Writer: Heri Dono
Intelectual Properties: Heri Dono
Sound Arranger: Syarif Hidayatullah
Manager of Studio Kalahan: Agni Saraswati
Animator & Editor: Wahyu Numan
Photographer & Videographer: Abram Hendra
Documentarist: Ricard Pangabean
Technician: Teguh Hanira
Technician Assistant: Mas Eko