Wild boar is a type of animal that lives inside forests by migrating a lot. Wild Boar often damages crops such as cassava, peanuts, rice, sweet potatoes, etc. Maybe it’s because in the forest he doesn’t get food, so he eats food grown by humans. So they make the planters angry for their actions, because every night there are always plants that are damaged, resulting in considerable losses for the planters. Therefore, many planters stay in their gardens just to wait for their plants to be damaged or eaten by Wild Boar. Even dumbbells are hunted by humans, apart from damaging crops, their meat can also be consumed.

Project Type: Animated Short Film
Production: Suntoon Studio
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Experimental
Runtime: 03.33 minutes
Animation Style: Digital Shadow Puppet Animation
Technical Specifications: FHD, 16:9, mp4
Completion Date: December 22, 2020
Award: Best Animated Film at JMMK #13, Indonesian Institute of the Art, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Mytos, Cakravala, Titik Dua Ubud, Bali
Diesnatalis 38, Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Semi Festival, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Festival Kesenian Bandung (FKI), ISBI Bandung, Indonesia
Festival Animasi Karang Gedang, Cilacap, Indonesia
JMMK 13, Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Director: Wahyu Numan
Voice Over: Devita Ambar Koeswarawangi
Music Composer: Dimawan Krisnowo Adji
Animator: Wahyu Numan

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