Sintren Saves the Village

In a small village, a Sintren dance performance takes place, but the audience shows little interest. Asih, a 14-year-old dancer, feels hurt and disappointed. That same night, a giant monster named Buto emerges from an old tree on the hill. Buto breathes fire, destroying crops and homes. The villagers try to fight back but are overpowered by many Buto. At sunrise, the creatures return to their nest, leaving the village in ruins.

Pak Brama, an elderly villager, leads the people to a cave in the forest for safety. There, they perform a prayer ritual with Asih dancing the Sintren. The ritual summons Sulandono, a brave knight and Asih’s lost love, who has been meditating in the mountains. Sulandono faces the Buto in their lair and defeats them, bringing peace back to the village. The villagers rebuild their lives, and the Sintren dance is honored once again.

Project Type: Animated Short Film
Production: Suntoon Studio
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Experimental
Runtime: 08.32 minutes
Animation Style: Shadow Puppet and Rotoscoping Animation
Technical Specifications: Full HD, 16:9, mp4
Completion Date: February 22, 2022
Partnerships: Lostang Studio, Dimawan Krisnowo Adji, Komputama Vocational High School
– Kopisinema Safari Keempat, Gulung Tukar, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur
– Waini Limitless #4, Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia
– ReelOzInd!, Australia Indonesia Short Film Festival, Melbourne & Yogyakarta, Australia & Indonesia
– SWIFF (Student World Impact Film Festival), Waldwick, UK (Online)
– Waini Vol 3, Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia
– Naik Kelas, Animasi Club, Sleman Creative Space, Yogyakarta
– Mytos, Cakravala, Titik Dua Ubud, Bali
– Pameran Film Pawukon 2023, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
– UCIFEST 14, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Banten, Indonesia
– JMMK 14, Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia
– Layar Cilpa Exhibition, Indonesia Institute of the Art Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Wahyu Nurul Iman

Wahyu Nurul Iman

Original Story
Faisal Kamandobat

Script Writer
Wahyu Nurul Iman

Nofia Lestari

Sinden Voice
Ridho Rokhanah

Voice Over
Devita Ambar Koeswarawangi

Music Composer
Dimawan Krisnowo Adji

Character Designer
Wahyu Nurul Iman
Muhammad Hanief Mahfudz

Wahyu Nurul Iman

Rotoscoping Artist
Ahmad Zaenuri
Wahyu Nurul Iman

Compositor dan Editor
Wahyu Nurul Iman

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