Wayang Lostang
Lostang Extended is the full version of this work. This work is a mixture of Javanese Shadow Puppet and animation. This work offers a non-narrative story structure. The audience is free to create their own personal interpretation with pleasure. I made this work at the invitation of an experimental art group in Japan called Corona Group. They gave the title International Wayang Exchange Project. The initial idea was to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic situation in 2021, which was very difficult to create an artwork directly in the audience. Artwork through digital media and the internet is a reasonable choice to do. Thank’s to Ananto Wicaksono, Yuri Nishida, Masafumi Yamamoto, and Corona Group.
Project Type: Animated Short Film
Production: Lostang Studio
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Experimental
Runtime: 29.34 minutes
Animation Style: Mixed Media Animation
Technical Specifications: FHD, 16:9, mp4
Release Date: January 3, 2021
– Tabon, Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta
– Rupa Animasi, Animasi Club, Yogyakarta
– Wayang, Animasi Club Bazart #3, Sleman Creative Space, Yogyakarta
– Festival Animasi Karang Gedhang, Majenang Cilacap
Directed, Visual & Concept: Samuel Indratma
Composer & Music Director: Dimawan Krisnowo Adji
Cameraman: Abram Hendra
Animator: Wahyu Numan
The cast of Pilgrimage: Zicheng Sugianto
Kendang Jawa: Tri Kasongan
Vocal of Javanese Song: Pak Kasijan
Mantra: Wahono Simbah